Aw3s0m3 flash
This has got to be the best D**n flash i,ve seen yet, I loves it,
you gotta make more like this, my fav part was the killer robots.
This is one hell of a talent you got :)
Aw3s0m3 flash
This has got to be the best D**n flash i,ve seen yet, I loves it,
you gotta make more like this, my fav part was the killer robots.
This is one hell of a talent you got :)
Thanks for complimenting my talent! As I continue animating, it's only gonna get better.
The killer FulpBots are the most complex characters I've animated to date, mostly because they change perspective so many times. Don't they look awesome though?
Again, I'm most obliged for the compliments. Thanks for the awesome review!
how in the hell r you gonna put that rasist ultimately huge pile o shit on this site if your not a black person then you might be rasist
or if you r black you must love a lotta bush-ass ta kiss in the morning to "in your own special way" say that kanye and other black people are rasist.But to get to the point I think ng should blam the fuck outta this lame ass clip and ban you if you put shit
like this up again.
that was great it was the most coolest animation i've ever seen,
if there was any ranks higher 10 you would get them from me ;)
not bad,but...what was that on that on toads mouth thoughO_o?
I'm Ps2sony here,but I also go by Mcdsnte in other places. Psn:Mcdsnte Xbl:Mcdsnte Facebook:Mcdsnte
Gaming/Drawing/Wo rk
Academy of the Elite
Joined on 5/6/05